From the category archives:

b why benchmark failures

Every car brand tries to reach its customers online and at car shows, but some need to go back to school while others pass with flying colours. Our assessment of your favourite brands.

ComMetrics benchmarking method: This session addresses the ropes to skip when using offline ad campaigns for promoting social media activities of your brand.

Trying to gain a competitive edge through social media? This guide shows small businesses how to leverage social media efforts to achieve return on investment (ROI).

Toyota is trying to rebuild its brand and reputation. We explain how they can improve by taking a page from Old Spice to go viral, fire their ad agency and then…

Social media monitoring and marketing: The Ford Focus campaign using old and new media shows how one can fail miserably. So what can we learn from this? Find out!

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 trends and tips for demonstrating the benefits of proper social media analytics to your bottom line.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: Who is winning the trust war? How to turn a failure of trust into successful customer relationship management.

Using Twitter, writing blog posts or being featured in a video that goes viral seems en vogue for some CEOs. But what a waste of time and resources…

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: Who is winning the GAP brand logo war? How to stumble in Social Media 101 and still come out ahead. Case study.

Social media metrics, ambush marketing DOs and DON’Ts: Gillette tries to repeat Wilhelm Tell’s feat, get a social media investment through best practice and more.