Posts tagged as:

social media best practice

Fashion blogging requires that disclosure and matters of ethics are addressed openly. I provide 3 tips that will help.

The ultimate guide for improving communication: KPIs for assessing ROI using infographics for marketing.

Social media monitoring and marketing: The Ford Focus campaign using old and new media shows how one can fail miserably. So what can we learn from this? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: Whether you use Flickr, Gmail or Facebook, how can you make sure that your words and images live on? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: Facebook has been accused of becoming like AOL – a walled garden. So where should you create your connection hub? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: How al-Jazeera failed Arab dissidents, and social networks failed Egypt’s demonstrators, Moscow Domodedovo’s bomb victims.

Social media monitoring and marketing: The 900-98-1.5-0.5 rule helps clients embrace the ‘free to use, pay to play’ concept and limit opportunity costs.

Social media monitoring and social media marketing: 3 tips that help you get better metrics to demonstrate the value of social media to your executive.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 facts that show how little social media changes, while making things more difficult.

Social media marketing and monitoring: Why Quora will be bigger than Twitter – NOT – and why you should think about your opportunity costs before joining.