ComMetrics info vault

2009/12/09 · 0 comments 39,741 views

Image - ComMetrics tweet - #history Internet 1969-10-29 first email from UCLA to SRI (Menlo Park), 40 years ago in December - ARPANET first linked UCLA and SRI + Utah

The following posts are recommended reading by topic. Please be sure to peruse our tags and categories for further information.

Measurement context and bias continues to fail businesses with inaccurate usage numbers
SocioTwitting: Developing metrics for Twitter – volume vs. influence
2 sensible metrics: A framework for measuring blog success
6 steps to get started in measurement of social media activities
European Commission: Defining the term SME

Measurement reliability, accuracy and validityImage - tweet by ComMetrics - Smart #strategy with #KPI and #metrics: Learn to #measure, measure to learn #pr
Sentiment analysis for online content: Honest?
KPI experts’ top 5 secrets
Three metrics: Influence, impact and outcome
Unique visitors come in many guises
The most livable city: Calgary, Melbourne or Zurich?

BenchmarkImage - tweet by ComMetrics - #Metrics improve focus. Just be sure you know where you want to go and you focus on the relevant #KPIs to get you there
Customer feedback: Who are my subscribers?
Good or best practice: What shall it be?
Social media metrics ropes to skip: What to do before benchmarking
Financial Times: Is blogging good value?
Why RSS fails with my readers
The importance of competitive benchmarking
Invitation to benchmark your blog
Measuring blogging performance: Comparisons that make sense

1) Lessons 1 – 4: Starting your blogging off on the right foot
2) Lessons 5 – 7: Setting the stage – ready – go
3) Lessons 8 – 11: Whatever domain, home you choose – beware
4) Lessons 12 – 13: Getting the basic SEO issues right
5) Lessons 14 – 17: Authenticity and quality are key
6) Lessons 18 – 20: Improving blogging effectiveness

FT ComMetrics Blog Index
2009 FT ComMetrics Blog Index published
FT ComMetrics Blog Index: The winners are
FT ComMetrics Blog Index: Who made the list?
FT ComMetrics Blog Index released: KISS the blog-bride
FT ComMetrics Blog Index: How we found you

ToolsImage - tweet by ComMetrics - #tools2watch = often analytics products show you many things, but they neither tell you what nor how to do it #measure
Being more effective with Tweetdeck
Connecting Skype and Twitter
Best 100 Twitter tools
The best WordPress plugins for bloggers
Top 5 SEO secrets to WordPress
Twitter: Being more effective with Tweet Deck

Solutions worth copyingImage - tweet by ComMetrics -#trendwatch #tips2follow:  People don't buy products and services, they buy solutions to problems
3 golden rules for best practice: LinkedIn and Xing
8 reasons to have a corporate blog
Creating dialogue: Tweet or talk?
4 rules for social media success: Luxury brands
Wall Street Blues: 4 lessons learned
Media kits: Getting it right
Five steps to turn buzz into sales

Case studies
Toyota recall disaster: How to destroy your brand and reputation
Reviving Yves Saint Laurent: 6 lessons
Coca-Cola: Real Thing or myth?
Paris Fashion to organize Davos 2010
Using Twitter for documenting WEF Davos
Scotiabank: What’s the big idea?
FT ComMetrics Global 500 blogs case study: HSBC
FT ComMetrics Global 500 blogs case study: Beck’s beer
FT ComMetrics Global 500 blogs case study: Royal Bank of Canada
FT ComMetrics Global 500 blogs case study: American Express

TrendwatchImage - tweet by ComMetrics - 'Everything that can be counted does not necessarily count.Everything that counts cannot necessarily be counted.' #Einstein
Statement heels are back: What is marketing for social media experts?
Brand vs. reputation: Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Josef Ackermann and Pat Russo to the rescue
Best business model: Free to use, pay to play
Cloud computing: YOUR data right?
2010 trends: Social media marketing
2010 trends: Data and mobile communication

7 ways to hedge your bets when building your brand
Social media: Defining a concept
Microsoft vs. Google: Keep it simple, stupid
Best business model: Free to use, pay to play
Citigroup, RBS and Google: Loads in common
Will Twitter and Facebook save UBS?

Twitterimage - celebrity tweets - the sheep herders - who has got the time to follow these tweets? Get a life instead (see also section on Tools above)
Social media ropes to skip: Twitter FAQ 3 – why should I join and use Twitter?
Twitter: Wake up and smell the coffee – have a conversation instead
Five steps to Twitter success
Mashable and TIME’s Twitter failure
Saving time with Twitter
SocioTwitting: Developing metrics for Twitter – volume vs. influence
Twitter and Iran: Much ado about nothing
Corporate microblogging or Twitter-squatting?
Corporate microblogging on Twitter

Will Twitter and Facebook save UBS?

Top 5 SEO secrets to WordPress
WordPress plugins: Only the best

Learning from other people’s mistakesImage - tweet by ComMetrics - #trendwatch1 #Continental started the #sweepstake #spam mania #pr #publicrelations #badgovernance
Of libraries, doctorates and Web 2.0
Yes Virginia, social media client-engagement IS a myth!
3 lessons for bloggers: Fashion, BP and the FTC
TV Guide and Business Week: Twins?
Bottomless goody bag: Fair product reviews
From fee to free: Will e-readers revive newspapers?

MOST POPULAR DOWNLOADSImage - tweet by ComMetrics - #trendwatch 2 @ebookersCH fails #reputation mgmt 101 : users spam followers to get a chance to win #pr (each several thousands…)
Research papers
Atkinson, R. D., Ezell, S., Anders, S. M., Castro, D., & Bennett, R. (March 15, 2010). The Internet Economy 25 Years After .com – Transforming commerce and life. Washington, DC: The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation (ITIF) (2.8 MB)
– Second Life: Social Influence and the Diffusion of User-Created Content (1.8 MB)
– Cha, M., Haddadi, H., Benevenuto, F., Gummadi, I. P. (2010) Measuring user influene in Twitter: the million follower fallacy (201 KB)
– Burke, M., Joyce, E., Kim, T., Anand, V., & Kraut, R. (2007). Introductions and requests: Rhetorical strategies that elicit response in online communities (734 KB)
– White Paper: Nokia – Evaluating your Online success with Web Analytics (190.4 KB)
– Jansen, B. J., Zhang, M., & Sobel, K. (June 2009).  Twitter power: Tweets as electronic word of mouth – business uses Twitter to improve brand awareness, knowledge + customer relations => personal use… (1.3 MB)
RISK MGMT: Stealing data from Amazon’s Elastic Computer Cloud (EC2) (300.5 KB)

White Papers, trend reports, etc.
– 2009-06-24: OECD Economic Outlook 2009 – Preliminary Edition (5.3 MB)
– 2009-09-08: WEF 2010 Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010 (3.9 MB)
– 2009-2014 interactive marketing forecast by Forrester for US: Cannibalization of traditional media (847 KB)

Presentation slides
– Barcamp Liechtenstein 09: Wie braucht man soziale Medien (399.7 KB)
– 2010-Webinar-Maerz-18-20_30-CET => Wie messen Sie den Erfolg: 5 wichtige Schritte fuer Weblogs (245 KB)
– 2010-Webinar-March-11-10:30-CET-Corporate-Blogging-Benchmarking => what analytics to measure and what analytics not to be concerned about (143 KB)

Just very interesting stuff
2009-06-27: Most Popular Car Colors – resale value (31.3 KB)
– SEO Management: Anatomy of URLs according to Dr. Pete (105.7 KB)
– Freebie: Google Adware Campaign (850.8 KB)
– Google Class Action Settlement: Systemic Risk for Authors and Book Publishers (175.3 KB)
– Matthew Robson Gets 1000 Tweets about what? FREE is king (40.4 KB)
– 2010-02-24 Prepared testimony of Akio Toyoda, President, Toyota Motor Corporation to the US Senate Committee on oversight and government reform (13 KB)

Policies, regulation, legal stuff, guides for WordPress/Twitter, etc.
– 2010-02-26 US Military Social Media Policy (66 KB)
– US FTC Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising – bloggers beware (376.7 KB)
– WordPress plugin wpSEO: Options that work best (702.8 KB)
– Agreement Between US and Swiss Confederation: DEVIL is in the DETAILS (282.3 KB)
– IRS and Swiss Agreement on UBS case: 4,450 accounts (493.4 KB)

ComMetrics eBook series – 30 pages compact – GAIN INSIGHT FAST
Available in a ‘virtual’ bookstore near you …

Image - tweet by IFB_Loewenmut - #ff Wer seinen Internet-Auftritt optimieren möchte: CH Unternehmen @ComMetrics, einfach gut. #metrics #pr #roi
The above book is part of the section on benchmark essentials, which includes amongst other books:

    #2010-01 – Why benchmark social media?
    #2010-02 – What is your social media mission?
    #2010-03 – Getting solution-driven answers
    #2010-04 – Focusing on quality traffic with social media
    #2010-05 – How it all makes your data matter

Want more of these books for free? Please just sign-up with  My.ComMetrics (register yourself – benchmark your blog(s) => improve performance) => get the latest updates and releases for free as an e-book.Image - tweet by Loewenmut - #ff If you want to optimize internet performance: CH internet based company @ComMetrics, really good. #metrics #pr #roi

Complementary Webinars
2010-03-11 – Corporate Blogging : How benchmarking can help improve performance
2010-02-18 – Die richtigen Metrics fuer das erfolgreiche Benchmarking von Weblogs