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ComMetrics Week in Review: GM and eBay collaboration fails, Morgan Stanley reports on Internet trends, LinkedIn and Xing: pure time-wasters? Plus, free tools and more!

Transparency is needed in business. The US FTC’s new blog-endorsement regulations strive to achieve it but fail miserably. We tell you how.

ComMetrics Week in Review: Google launches Sidewiki, but not for Chrome, Microsoft blames Chrome for security issues and Audi teams up with PlayStation… and more!

Effective SEO is important to get high search engine rankings for any website. These hands-on tips reduce the time needed to improve SEO with WordPress.

ComMetrics Week in Review: 10 Downing Street losing against Twitter, Real Madrid and Barcelona battle it out, plus the best KPIs for social media analytics.

ComMetrics Week in Review: Why Facebook users should get a life, Twitter getting into advertising …. maybe, Google exploiting your data to do behavioral-based advertising… and more about social media monitoring.

Do the educational benchmarks used by the WEF’s Report qualify as effective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and help explain how expenditures account for high youth unemployment? We show you how the report fails.

How do you get in there with the bloggers making your company’s own corporate blog more than a regularly updated press release? So what makes a corporate blog vs. a business blog?

It is not where you start from that is important, it is where you end up as illustrated here: Paris Fashion to organize Davos 2010 Doing things in style – stiletto heels and Tahitian shades If fashion teaches us anything it is that: any era-defining cultural event, style or catchphrase will always reappear in some […]

We all know that one must watch for cultural (e.g., religion, language) and commercial (e.g., no credit cards used here) differences. As well, technical factors could result in different usability or interface requirements across countries. Last week we brought you: b – browser usage varies enormously – ignore Firefox at your peril where we addressed […]