Posts tagged as:

benchmnark data

Why hashtags and influential Twitter users may not matter. The best tools that help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

Are you having an impact? Do your company’s corporate Twitter account and Facebook page create resonance? Four things to watch out for.

Social media audit: 3 things you must take care of to convince your boss that your budget is money spent smartly.

3 reasons non-fiction books get ignored

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2011/04/28 · 6 comments 10,182 views

in a dos and don'ts,social media diary

Social media has drastically improved what we can read and the quality of content… NOT! Find out why and how books can help – if and only if…

According to the Huffington Post, the rumors are true! Apps are not helping the New York Times or The Guardian compensate for lost revenue. Why not? Now what?

This review outlines how a small company implemented some of the findings and highlights of a great book to improve results.

Do the educational benchmarks used by the WEF’s Report qualify as effective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and help explain how expenditures account for high youth unemployment? We show you how the report fails.

We provide the intelligence and benchmark data about Fortune 500 or FT Global 500 corporate blogs. Here we explain how the list of blogs were compiled – make sure your firm’s blogs are included in the list by adding a URL in a comment. The index will be published May 13 in the FT.

Managers prepare for a rough ride in 2009. ComMetrics looks at how market turmoil will continue to put pressure on social media to deliver the goods. This case describes HSBC’s floundering efforts to build a vibrant online platform for its small business clients in the UK. Steps needed for rescuing the sinking ship are outlined and discussed.

Launching a corporate blog is only the start. Making it happen – with students – is what counts for the Royal Bank of Canada. This post addresses the Royal Bank of Canada’s approach to blogging that uses content tailored to the needs of a particular group of customers. The post addresses the issue of brand building and getting the cash register to ring with this social media project.