Posts tagged as:

b why benchmark analytics

Calculating ROI of air conditioning makes no sense, neither does doing it for the corporate blog. We present 5 ropes to skip during KPI & benchmark development.

Do the educational benchmarks used by the WEF’s Report qualify as effective Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and help explain how expenditures account for high youth unemployment? We show you how the report fails.

ComMetrics Week in Review: Why users of cloud computing services should worry and how social media analytics and brand monitoring must address ROI.

Sentiment analysis is gaining in popularity, so we evaluated some sentiment analysis programs for Twitter, etc. Do they measure what they are supposed to? Did findings make sense? We report our disastrous findings.

Usage varies enormously across Europe. – bloggers may want to boycott rankings, and – Silicon Valley may not always get it right. Things around the world are getting more complicated for sure. Hence, firms that focus on understanding and respecting differences across cultures and countries will do better. In that context, we came across […]