From the category archives:

social media diary

Social media has drastically improved our use of time and how we find solutions… NOT! Find out why and how to make it a reality for you and your organization.

From media hype to real impact: a systematic approach for assessing if social media can help civil society during a tsunami or nuclear disaster.

Moving from SEO to impact: a systematic approach for improving the targeted traffic to your website or weblog – how do you rank?

This review outlines how a small company implemented some of the findings and highlights of a great book to improve results.

ComMetrics cost classification model for better cost accounting: Trying to engage on Facebook page – what to look out for if you want to win new clients.

ComMetrics cost classification model for social media marketing: Presents the five phases to achieve a full cost accounting and deliver return on investment.

Social media ROI trends and best practice: Another bank falls on its face trying to exert too much control, while the Premier League of football gets smacked by an EU court.

Social media monitoring and marketing: Whether you use Flickr, Gmail or Facebook, how can you make sure that your words and images live on? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: How al-Jazeera failed Arab dissidents, and social networks failed Egypt’s demonstrators, Moscow Domodedovo’s bomb victims.

Social media marketing and monitoring: Why Quora will be bigger than Twitter – NOT – and why you should think about your opportunity costs before joining.