Posts tagged as:

opportunity costs

ComMetrics cost classification model for better cost accounting: Moving from engagement to impact – better focus to improve with your target audience.

ComMetrics cost classification model for better cost accounting: Trying to engage on Facebook page – what to look out for if you want to win new clients.

ComMetrics cost classification model for better cost accounting: Running a promotion on your Facebook page – what to look out for if you want to win new clients.

ComMetrics cost classification model for better cost accounting: 2 tips to grow and maintain the corporate Facebook page while keeping costs in check.

Social media monitoring and marketing: The 900-98-1.5-0.5 rule helps clients embrace the ‘free to use, pay to play’ concept and limit opportunity costs.

Social media monitoring and social media marketing: 3 tips that help you get better metrics to demonstrate the value of social media to your executive.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 facts that show how little social media changes, while making things more difficult.

Social media marketing and monitoring: Why Quora will be bigger than Twitter – NOT – and why you should think about your opportunity costs before joining.

What good is Twitter for managers who worry about the bottom line? Here we share our experiences and show how it might work for you.

In large firms what often happens is that the employee wants to attend the conference and the the manager sees there is money in the budget and thinks it might be a good idea…. For a small business, however, things are vastly different because neither is there a large budget nor time to attend a conference that may not be worth the opportunity costs. Here are some criteria you should use before spending the money.