From the category archives:

b why benchmark analytics

Effective and efficient social media metrics result in actions that boost social media ROI. We outline four risks that must be managed on the road to success.

What do you want: useless vanity metrics or data that convinces your boss and helps improve your social media impact? You can get there in 5 easy steps.

ROI is a financial term now used to measure the success of social media campaigns, but it fails. Find out how using cost-benefit analysis does it right.

Calculating ROI of air conditioning makes no sense, neither does doing it for the corporate blog. We present 5 ropes to skip during KPI & benchmark development.

Sentiment analysis is gaining in popularity, so we evaluated some sentiment analysis programs for Twitter, etc. Do they measure what they are supposed to? Did findings make sense? We report our disastrous findings.

Blogging effectiveness is an ongoing multi-step process that must be tailored to your blog’s specific audience. Check out the fourth in a series of steps learned through the creation of FT ComMetrics Blog Index, which ranks only the best in corporate blogging.

Monthly unique visitors and page-views are widely used metrics, but are the data reliable enough to support efforts to acquire value through blogging?

Economic turmoil, wars and poverty all feature prominently in the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2009, but will delegates move forward on finding possible solutions to important issues? Read about the navel-gazing going on in Davos, Switzerland.

Have you started thinking about customer or reader segments for your blog or social media offerings?
Do you have a particular set of early adopters that share some common traits?
This posts demonstrates with a case how you can set-up an online survey (with an example for you to use) – nice and easy – get feedback from your blog readers, whilst better serving your target audience – we show you how.

No amount of statistical work will overcome the various inadequacies in the quality of data collected and how inappropriate these might be for measuring success with Twitter, blogging, Facebook or Xing. Most often when ranking social media, no specific model is specified in advance. Instead, data suggest a model that is often quite vague to […]