Posts tagged as:

customer feedback

So your bank follows you on Twitter… does that mean they really like and pay attention to you or are they just going with the flow of non-starter corporate social media efforts?

Do we like re-inventing the wheel in social media marketing, infographics, web analytics? Surely not, Karen Dietz explains how we can do better and save us time.

Social media marketing – what is good customer service according to Lucy Kellaway, Steve Jobs, Chelsea Isaacs, FT and Electrolux… or NOT.

Have you started thinking about customer or reader segments for your blog or social media offerings?
Do you have a particular set of early adopters that share some common traits?
This posts demonstrates with a case how you can set-up an online survey (with an example for you to use) – nice and easy – get feedback from your blog readers, whilst better serving your target audience – we show you how.