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Twitter effectiveness

Calculating ROI of air conditioning makes no sense, neither does doing it for the corporate blog. We present 5 ropes to skip during KPI & benchmark development.

The current financial crisis illustrates that using social communities to improve your bottom line is a great idea. While it is too late for Waterford Wedgewood, Scotiabank’s social media efforts seem to be flaundering and need a real shake up to be rescued from the brink of disaster. In the age of distraction, the bank’s online community for small business customers fails to gain a real foothold.

Your attention, please! I need you to focus on this tweet now. In an economy where consumers have an attention deficit problem, communicating via Twitter may just be more of the same while failing to get your customers’ attention.

best 101 Twitter tools

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2008/12/16 · 71 comments 1 views

in a analytics tools,c micro-blogging Twitter

Twitter – how useful is it to your work? Being more effective requires you taking advantage of some of the Twitter tools listed here – the choice is yours.