Posts tagged as:

social media marketing

This review outlines some parts of this conference and points out where social media could still have an impact for positive social change.

Social media monitoring and marketing: The Ford Focus campaign using old and new media shows how one can fail miserably. So what can we learn from this? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: Whether you use Flickr, Gmail or Facebook, how can you make sure that your words and images live on? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: Facebook has been accused of becoming like AOL – a walled garden. So where should you create your connection hub? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: How al-Jazeera failed Arab dissidents, and social networks failed Egypt’s demonstrators, Moscow Domodedovo’s bomb victims.

Social media monitoring and marketing: The 900-98-1.5-0.5 rule helps clients embrace the ‘free to use, pay to play’ concept and limit opportunity costs.

Social media monitoring and social media marketing: 3 tips that help you get better metrics to demonstrate the value of social media to your executive.

Social media monitoring, measurement: Who is winning the power struggle between Google and Facebook? Could the onslaught of Christmas bargains change eCommerce?

Social media monitoring, measurement: Is Google winning the social-search war? Making mobile internet affordable and getting kids to use smartphones effectively.