Posts tagged as:

benchmark test

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: protecting trademarks on Facebook, Japan’s blogging prime minister and Fortune 500 blogs – lessons learned.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 things Facebook, Apple and Twitter can teach us about privacy protection, stock prices and revenue streams.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 trends and tips for demonstrating the benefits of your Twitter and Facebook strategy to your bottom line.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 things Amazon, WordPress, Wikileaks and CEPRO can teach us about user rights and cloud computing.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 trends and tips for networking – join, contribute and prune if necessary to improve your time management.

Social media monitoring, measurement: Does any new contact on LinkedIn belong to your employer? Location-based services have not caught on – we explain why.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 4 trends – hardware, mobile Internet, use, usefulness – helping you improve customer relationship management.

Social media monitoring, measurement: Who is winning the power struggle between Google and Facebook? Could the onslaught of Christmas bargains change eCommerce?

Writing blog posts is ever more considered to result in better customer relationship management. We show you what challenges await you for next year.

Social media monitoring, measurement: Is Google winning the social-search war? Making mobile internet affordable and getting kids to use smartphones effectively.