From the category archives:

white papers research

Social media monitoring, measurement: Who is winning the power struggle between Google and Facebook? Could the onslaught of Christmas bargains change eCommerce?

Social media monitoring, measurement: Is Google winning the social-search war? Making mobile internet affordable and getting kids to use smartphones effectively.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: Who is winning the ‘PR vs. social media’ war? How to be ahead of the competition.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: And the winner is? Research: Stephanie Assmann. Google: loosening your privacy. Apple: e-learning fails the grade.

Social media KPIs, measurement ROI, Twitter success metrics, luxury brands, reputation: With the largest Internet population, China becomes THE luxury market.

How emergency social data are aggregated, triaged and reported, and how we act on it matters. Most important is discovering why it fails to help disaster victims.

Constant use of digital media can make multitaskers less effective in their work. Here are some strategies for unplugging from the demand of digital devices…

Who says Apple’s iPhone is special – not Switzerland! Plus, the unlikeliness of crowdsourcing and social media ROI, how Facebook changed policy, free tools and more!

ComMetrics weekly review: Xing to Picasso via MoMA

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2009/11/08 · 14 comments 9,524 views

in white papers research

ComMetrics Week in Review: Smart social media marketing, from Picasso to the Museum of Modern Arts in New York. Plus, free tools and more!

ComMetrics Week in Review: FTC creates double-standard for bloggers, Twitter helps customer engagement, re-focus on inbound marketing. Plus free tools and more!