Posts tagged as:

cost-benefit analysis

What does this blog do better than many others, including mine? We share the secrets of what can we learn from them.

When should commenting on a blog entry be turned off? Considering time spent moderating comments, what is the return on investment (ROI)?

What will be your biggest social media marketing challenge 2012? Find out, we are asking the expert, participate in our poll. We show you while non-profits do it different than Siemens in China, etc.

This blog post outlines why Pepsi and Coca-Cola’s difficulties effectively mastering social media channels could be an opportunity for your company.

Who says Apple’s iPhone is special – not Switzerland! Plus, the unlikeliness of crowdsourcing and social media ROI, how Facebook changed policy, free tools and more!

When was the first banner ad used? What do Stella Artois and Löwenbräu have in common? Survey says the largest tweet-up ever is… Plus, free tools and more!

Return on Investment is a business term increasingly applied to social media efforts. We explain how this misses nuances essential to success in the 21st century.

Discussion is heating up about why social media ROI fails, Facebook porn spreads, and usability design and the Las Vegas Strip. Plus, free tools and more!