CLICK on IMAGE - Bentley - polite, helpful, approachable - building brand and reputation at Geneva Motor Show.

This blog entry focuses on two issues:

  1. Does social media play well at a car show?
  2. How big a difference can staff make?

For this article, we went to the Geneva Motor Show / Genève Salon de l’Auto last week, and put brands like Bentley, BMW, Bugatti, Ferrari, Ford, Lamborghini, McLaren, Maserati, Mercedes, Peugeot, Suzuki, Tesla, Volvo, and many more to the test. Read about our findings below.

Keywords: Bugatti, Bentley, BMW, content marketing, engagement, DrKPI, Ferrari, FordStore, KPI, Land-Rover, marketing buzz, measurement, Mercedes, Mini, ROI, strategy, Volvo, #SIAG, #SocBiz, word-of-mouth marketing.

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How do these brands interact with the public?

Ferrari is considered the world’s most powerful brand, but my son considers it totally unattractive. Why? Well, when he wanted to inspect those fancy pieces of road equipment he was told by the Ferrari guard that access is granted, “by invitation only”. My son’s reply in broken English – “I am a kid, how could I have gotten one?” – left the Ferrari employee speechless. But instead of recovering and letting him in while I waited, he just mumbled something about “sorry.” My son’s reply: “I don’t want to be a fan of a car that treats kids like this. It sucks…”

And if you thought Ferrari was the only one with bad social skills, you would be wrong: Bugatti is quite similar. The VW brand has lots of people standing around – both men and women – but nobody is approachable for a kid to ask any questions. Bummer.

CLICK on IMAGE - Bugatti - no access for John Doe here...
Interesting read:  Foy, Henry (February 19, 2014). Exclusivity helps Ferrari roar away. Financial Times, p. 14. Retrieved February 19, 2014 from

Check your messages or serve clients? Pick one.

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Update: This blog entry was picked up and re-published on SmartData Collective.
CLICK on IMAGE - Coca-Cola eyes US$1 billion in cuts as profits fall.

This blog entry focuses on two issues:

  1. What went wrong with Coke’s social media marketing?
  2. How can Coke get more bang for fewer bucks?

The nadir of Coca-Cola’s disconnect with fans and readers is its millions of Likes, which often result in fewer than 100 comments. Its largest market is the US; this is where its weakness is most evident. Meanwhile, Diet Coke faces rising concerns over artificial sweeteners.

Coca-Cola has announced that profits fell by 8.4 percent in the last quarter of 2013, and it is now eyeing US$1 billion in cuts.

Keywords: Coca-Cola, content marketing, engagement, KPI, marketing buzz, measurement, ROI, strategy, DrKPI, SocBiz

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Step 1: Slash Facebook expenditures

In March 2013 Coca-Cola had about 61.5 million Facebook fans of its flagship brand, surpassing an impressive 80 million by early March 2014. But looking through a random selection of 20 posts over a period of weeks revealed that engagement in the form of comments was extremely low (one or two per post, or 10 if it got high).

Worse, the numbers reveal that most posts were only seen by about 20 to 100 people. Given their 80 million fans, that means the page manages an engagement ratio of a whopping ==> 0.0000012 percent. Ouch.

You may get slightly different numbers, but they certainly will not be significantly better than what our tool revealed.

Bottom line: One of the biggest consumer brands in the world generates virtually zero interaction through its Facebook page.

Recommended reading: Facebook – why is nobody listening?

Step 2: Stop being a media site

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CLICK on IMAGE - Corporate Blogs are more than just PR or marketing tools.These Weeks in Social Analytics (TWiSA) provides easy to read summaries of recently published articles or studies that have crossed our desks at CyTRAP BlogRank.
Get previous editions of TWiSA – Freakalytics and big data

1. Attention YouTube users

Not too long ago, Pew published research findings that indicate 62 percent of US Facebook users stay away from the social network for several weeks at a time.

While youngsters are not abandoning Facebook, their relationship with the site is complicated (see 6 facts about Facebook – Pew Research).

Nevertheless, online videos are becoming increasingly popular. In a recent study, Pew reports that posting and watching videos online is a fast growing trend. Surveying US adults, the study found:

  • 78 percent view or download online videos,
  • 31 percent post online videos (compare this to only 14 percent in 2009),
  • 25 percent upload videos,
  • 20 percent post their own video content online, and
  • 72 percent spend time on Social Networking Sites (SNS) such as Facebook, Ning or LinkedIn.

More about the study here (in German).

Recommended readingPew Research: Posting and watching videos online is a fast growing trend. You can also watch the video right here: [CLICK here PLEASE – get the details…]

CLICK on IMAGE - Corporate Blogs are more than just PR or marketing tools.These Weeks in Social Analytics (TWiSA) provides easy to read summaries of recently published articles or studies that have crossed our desks at CyTRAP BlogRank.
1. Attention shoppers – why is privacy no more?
2. Why are smart phones used for this ?
3  Could Massive Open Online Courses ever be a success?
Here we tell you what these findings mean for you personally AND your business.

1. Attention shoppers: No privacy

Your favourite store is probably tracking your cellphone. Nordstrom clients learned this in May 2013. Of course, quite a few were upset and voiced their concerns on Nordstrom’s Facebook page.

The public first heard about a British marketing start-up called Renew around January 10, 2014. The company tracked passers-by in the City of London through technology in recycling bins. Renew claimed that customers could opt-out, but privacy campaigners questioned the premise of opting out of something you didn’t know was taking place.

City of London authorities quickly served a cease-and-desist order.

As the video shows (see title above), stores increasingly start tracking users with the help of in-store cameras, as well as a smartphone’s MAC address. Just like every other internet-capable piece of hardware (i.e., computers), each smartphone has a MAC address that acts as a unique identifier. With it, users can be tracked to see how they move in the store or a city. Such data can then be matched with other data to build a picture of the shopper’s behaviour.

Tip: From a security and privacy perspective, you are best advised to turn off [CLICK here PLEASE – get the details…]

Big data: The latest fad?

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2014/01/07 · 2 comments 22,809 views

in a analysis: gaining insights

CLICK on IMAGE - Alexa data fails. Most visited website per country, BUT INFOGRAPHIC excludes MOBILE AND CORPORATE USERS who do not have ALEXA plugin installed = without plugin your website visit does not count = invalid data set.

We address two issues in this blog entry, namely:

  • What is big data? A workable definition.
  • Do big data help us gain insight?

Keywords: Alexa data fail, big data, communication, ROI, return on investment, strategy

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Defining the term: Big data

Big data is difficult to define because everybody seems to look at things differently.

Cox and Ellsworth (1997) made the distinction between big data collections and big data objects. The latter are sets, which were too large to be processed by standard algorithms and software on the hardware that was available at that time. Based on this definition several data sites may have to be used to do the job.

Cox and Ellsworth defined big data collections as aggregates of several data sets, such as multi-source, multi-disciplinary or stored on different sites and in disparate types of data repositories. While a single data object or data set might be manageable by itself, aggregating several of these makes data analysis a challenge.

More than 12 years later, Jacobs (2009) pointed out that any type of definition of big data was a moving target. Thanks to ever faster memory chips, what was not easily processable only a year ago might well be today. In other words, big data for a mainframe computer in 1981, might be analysed and processed with ease using a MacBook Pro in 2012.

Much of data we collect accrues during a transaction, such as a user logging into an e-commerce site. Here account data is retrieved and session information is added to a log. This allows the user to search for a product and possibly purchase something. In the purchase instance, payment details are added, including updating of user data. Such databases have been maintained for years through customer loyalty programs.

Jacobs pointed out that the challenge was not transaction processing or data storage. His reasoning was that few companies acquire such data in volumes that processing and storing them would pose a challenge. The challenge starts when we want get answers to all kind of questions from these data within seconds or minutes.

Based on the above (see also below), it is probably safe to define big data using three main features: [CLICK here PLEASE – get the details…]

Expert bloggers’ top 5 secrets

by Urs E. Gattiker December 12, 2013 a dos and don'ts

Are Darren Rowse, Jeff Bullas and Jeremiah Owyang great bloggers or just great self-promoters? We share the tricks of the trade.

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The keys to creating viral videos

by Sam Melton November 14, 2013 e marketing 101 social media trendwatch

Everybody wants a viral video but what makes a video go viral. The ins and outs, tips that help you make it happen.

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Typhoon Haiyan: Twitter and Flickr to the rescue?

by Urs E. Gattiker November 10, 2013 c micro-blogging Twitter

Do social networks help rescue services during a natural disaster? Does big data allow predicting future events?

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Social Media Examiner: Do reader comments add value?

by Urs E. Gattiker October 27, 2013 c corporate blogging

What does this blog do better than many others, including mine? We share the secrets of what can we learn from them.

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Daimler blog: Reader comment ROI, anyone?

by Urs E. Gattiker October 6, 2013 c corporate blogging

When should commenting on a blog entry be turned off? Considering time spent moderating comments, what is the return on investment (ROI)?

9 comments READ MORE - get the details - click here