Posts tagged as:

measure for impact

Trying to gain a competitive edge through social media? This guide shows small businesses how to leverage social media efforts to achieve return on investment (ROI).

Trying to gain a competitive advantage through social media? This definitive guide shows what to look for in measurement and monitoring efforts to achieve return on investment (ROI).

History teaches that deception is an easy way to get people’s attention. Some infographics may accentuate the positive to point us to the truth, but most just create confusion.

Are you building your Twitter reputation?

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2011/08/17 · 13 comments 16,767 views

in c micro-blogging Twitter

Grandma loves Facebook and text messaging. Now on to Twitter. Tricks the world’s oldest Twitter user @IvyBean104 might have passed on if she were still alive.

Toyota is trying to rebuild its brand and reputation. We explain how they can improve by taking a page from Old Spice to go viral, fire their ad agency and then…