From the category archives:

a analytics taking action

Are you using Feedburner, Feedblitz, Google Groups, Yahoo Groups or other free services. By doing so, you may antangonize your target audience. So before benchmarking – do some house cleaning first. Recently much attention has been focusing on metrics and benchmarking. We have posted some material ourselves including links to important metrics stuff on the […]

One can get lost in the conversation metrics for Twitter, so I began mapping a few measurements of my own to see if they made sense. It might be of interest to understand how one could measure the reach, influence, reputation management through through micro-blogging using some conversation metrics that tell the whole story. I […]

Unless your firm sees a benefit from sponsoring polo events or a corporate blog, why sponsor anything or spend time on producing a good webpage with great content? If you intend to sponsor a women’s volleyball team or decide to produce great content for the corporate website, finding the correct answer to two questions seems […]

We all know that one must watch for cultural (e.g., religion, language) and commercial (e.g., no credit cards used here) differences. As well, technical factors could result in different usability or interface requirements across countries. Last week we brought you: b – browser usage varies enormously – ignore Firefox at your peril where we addressed […]

social media measurement in the blogsophere, links are currency, and part of brand-building campaigns to generate that external awareness one needs to clinch a sale This posting begins a series about social media measurement outlining, the good, bad and ugly. Assessment of blogs or social marketing efforts are important for many different reasons. For marketing […]

about ComMetrics contact us follow us on Twitter not another blog our business model why benchmark In corporate settings one is sometimes asked 2 questions about social media, namely: 1) what does success look like, and 2) how do we show this to our management? ComMetrics is about answering the above two questions for management. […]