From the category archives:

b why benchmark failures

In theory, building a press kit will give you a chance to stand out from the crowd and get you noticed. But these days, your press kit might end up in the trash bin before it is even looked at. We tell you what to watch out for if you want to succeed in the rat-race to get media attention.

British comedian Darius Davies takes Beck’s beer …. or fails with the company’s new blog adventure. This is a case where a brand and its advertising agency have managed to break most good practice guidelines bloggers adhere to. Besides questionable content the blog is not very user-friendly at all – easy navigation remains a pipe dream. This post explains why beer lovers will not want to re-visit this blog is explained below – read and learn.

How to make sure much of the conversation is being lost in the shuffle; or what it takes to stop the conversation before it had a chance to start What to do to stop the conversation from continuing when using social media tools. BBC has its own blogs, of course. These are successful destinations for […]

Everybody is awaiting Firefox 3.0 and many are in midst of testing the Beta 4 version Recently we came across another test and we started to ask if the journalist had followed good or best practice, a mix or none at all. We address this in more detail and outline why most tests comparing the […]