Overcoming ranking addiction: Win a copy of my book!

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2013/02/17 · 12 comments 8,319 views

in a analytics smarter & actionable KPIs,a analytics taking action,a analytics tools,a analytics: rating and ranking - who's #1

How good is your favorite blog? Find out: CyTRAP BlogRank
Is your favorite blog missing? Suggest the blog – we will track it for you – for FREE, of course.
You can’t always get what you want
We are evaluation-obsessed, and in turn we suffer a ranking addiction.
However, my latest book helps you demonstrate the link between your metrics and the bottom line.
Keywords: viral marketing, Word of Mouth (WOM) marketing, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), return on investment (ROI).

CLICK - more information about: Gattiker, Urs E. (2013). Social Media Audit: Measuring for Impact – ISBN 978-1-4614-3602-7My new book, Social Media Audit: Measure for Impact (click on link or image below) is being shipped to some lucky readers as you see this, and I wanted to give a few of my readers a chance to get it first!

No more voodoo metricsthis is our Super Bowl. So, CONTEST! This is your chance to get it first by winning your FREE copy.
See the particulars below.

By the way, sign up for our blog – it is FREE! Get the next post in your inbox first.

The #1 social media measure you dreamed of, but never used

For me it was a great measure we all know – unique vistors. I am not sure what ever made me think it would be helpful in measuring outcomes or a useful metric to link to bottom line metrics… Still, at some point I realised that defining what is unique is unbelievably hard. Last year I told myself, “This is the year I finally throw out the unique visitors measure.”

Share with us

The contest will run from Sunday, February 17 at 01:00 GMT until Sunday, March 3 at 01:00 GMT. Leave your story of the measure that never got used to assess your social media performance below in a comment on this post.

We will pick one winner (or maybe three), send you a signed copy of my next book, and post winners’ stories (anonymously, if you prefer) in our next post.

Make sure the email address you use to sign in is the best one to reach you.

Also of interest: Social media audit: Are YOU the problem?

Urs E. Gattiker, Ph.D. - CyTRAP Labs - ComMetrics.

The author: This post was written by social media marketing and strategy expert Urs E. Gattiker, who also writes about issues that connect social media with compliance, and thrives on the challenge of measuring how it all affects your bottom line. His latest book, Social Media Audit: Measure for Impact, was recently published by Springer Science Publishers.

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  • Rudolph Matter

    Cool thanks Urs
    I used a software package with a fancy dashboard….. Radian 6. But after a while I decided that it simply takes too much of my time.
    So we removed it. Use your My.ComMetrics.com measure to improve our blog / corporate… because it shows where I can do better compared to my competitors. Takes less than 20 minutes a week… and it works.
    I especially like the social sharing data to see which posts work best with people sharing them on Facebook or Twitter.

    • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/key-super-bowl-stat-outcomes/#comments Urs E. Gattiker

      Thanks for the comment. Yes, doing monitoring in 10 minutes each day is a challenge and often, those tools provide you more information or data that you can easily handle.
      It is like no longer seeing the forest….. besides the trees :-)
      Thanks for sharing.

  • olga henggi

    In my opinion whatever you do online begins with how you present yourself or your
    business. If your social media profile is not optimized, monitoring won’t move
    your forward. My suggestion: optimize your online profile, keep it up-to-date,
    and monitor.

    • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/key-super-bowl-stat-outcomes/#comments Urs E. Gattiker

      Dear @olgahenggi:twitter
      Thanks so much for your comment. This looks interesting. Yes, of course, you are correct, if your online profile will not work what is there to monitor

      I am still curious though, what is your number 1 social media measurement that you wanted to use but did not end up using?

      Thanks for commenting Olga
      Urs @Commetrics:twitter

  • http://twitter.com/data_nerd Carla Gentry CSPO

    Ranking IMO means nothing when all these scores can be games, do your best to become a SME and post material that your followers will enjoy. When they RT or comment, comment back and thank them, seeing that you care, relates to followers – showing them you are human does wonders as well! If you promote you biz on Social Media do it tastefully and do NOT spam, cute messages and pics are acceptable but do not over do it, not interested in what you had for lunch but if you attended a great data conference please do share, this IMO make you worth following and influential not scores or rankings – Happy Tweeting and Posting :o)

    • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/13-contest-social-media-audit-get-my-book/#disqus_thread Urs E. Gattiker

      Hi Carla Gentry CSPO

      Thanks for your feedback. So if I get you right, measuring things regarding social media or analyzing data collected is important.
      Nevertheless, based on your comment, providing valuable AND usable content to one’s target audience is key. But should that not result in higher pageviews Carla?

      I hope you answer this one :-)

  • http://www.facebook.com/maria.bike Maria Bike’

    I agree with Carla. It is contents that matter and not just number of views or followers.

    What really matters is the feelings and reactions Social Media trigger in people and therefore the possibility to influence them in the long term.

    How can we measure the feelings we cause to followers? that would be interesting to measure and predict behaviour so that we can plan our actions accordingly.

    I also agree with you Urs. Too many numbers and reports lead us to see the trees instead of the forrest! So I think it is much more efficient to spend 10 min per day for monitoring, understanding what is meaningful for our audience and what isnt and spend most of our time in designing our new actions and replying with care to all comments.

    • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/13-contest-social-media-audit-get-my-book/#disqus_thread Urs E. Gattiker

      Dear @Maria Bike’
      Thanks so much for your feedback and comment.

      I would really love to know which things you use when doing your 10 minute a day (more or less that is) of monitoring a day. What you look for …. some numbers, trends, or all of these?

      I began debeloping our tool further to allow me to collect such information. For instance, you can compare yourself to a set of similar blogs (e.g., 1 US sports team compares itself to others – looking at social sharing or how its blog posts are being shared by fans – going viral).

      I have added a draft Table below. just click on it and it shows. Just a suggestion but it really works. It takes little time, requires me to look at it maybe a week.

      I can see which blog posts depending on content, style of language, headline create most share….

      Would something like this help you, Maria?

      • http://www.facebook.com/maria.bike Maria Bike’

        At the moment I use reports produced by our provider in the Bank so I dont have a customised solution.
        The attached example yould definitely help a lot.
        Comparisons with similar blogs help a lot as well as comparisons with similar situations, e.g. the reaction to similar posts in the past.
        So when you monitor and compare with past actions you can see how people react today. For example how do they react to humorous posts or to a promotional campaign or to a similar event or product today in comparison to 6 or 12 months ago? In this way you can somewhat monitor differences in the reactions.
        So, in my opinion, comparisons in different levels or information would provide a better understanding of audiences and how they change over time

        • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/13-contest-social-media-audit-get-my-book/#disqus_thread Urs E. Gattiker

          Maria Bike’ Thanks again for this answer.

          I think Carla Gentry CSPO could probably agree to your suggestion regarding comparisons

          – similar types of blog posts over time – is the level of social sharing similar today for a humorous post of ours as it was six months ago.

          – compare if your social sharing experienced in the month of July for 2 blog posts compares well to a competitor same year and/or to 2012 (previous year)

          – compare above to blogs I admire (not necessarily in the same industry)

          Thanks again for this suggestions and ideas, they are useful to me and hopeful our readers.

  • John Moetteli

    Hi Urs, this all sounds interesting. Congrats on the new book! Hope to see you tomorrow. Bring a copy! And about 10 minutes, maybe we should. We should also brush our teeth for at least 2 minutes. I have a really hard time getting in 45 secs! =%

    • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/13-contest-social-media-audit-get-my-book/#disqus_thread Urs E. Gattiker

      Dear John

      I am so sorry to reply late to this, I just saw it.

      First, thanks for writing a comment and because of my birthday I did not make it on Thursday…. BUT

      1. Next meeting I bring a copy for sure and we can discuss it…
      2. Brushing up on some subjects – why not :-)

      @google-544c19668cdc6b6ed8e86e378bcb04a7:disqus I am sure you get in edgewise this time….

      Looking forward to our next meeting.

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