Ubiquitous sharing: Real insight?

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2011/07/01 · 15 comments 15,575 views

in a dos and don'ts,d business failures

Do you remember Delicious, Google Bookmarks, Diigo, ma.gnolia.com, Mixx.com or others? Most of these have been pushed aside by users flocking to Facebook, Twitter or Xing.

This tip-filled guide will show you how to become a smarter networker and social media user by doing less.

    1. Ubiquitous sharing is in

People want to know:

    – What you are doing: Twitter, Identi.ca
    – Where you are doing it: Foursquare
    – Who you are doing it with: Flickr
    – What you like: Blog

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Once upon a time, we only shared that information with friends and family, if at all; now we broadcast it to the world. Are we willing AND able to keep up with this WEEKLY FLOOD of info-bytes, including

    300 Facebook wall posts (from the average 120 friends),
    4200 tweets (from the average 300 followed who tweet three times a day), AND
    4 daily blog posts averaging 600 words apiece (assuming 30 blog subscriptions via email or RSS).
    2. People are tuning outImage - Write a tweet once and distribute to all your channels - BUT is this effective? NO, because...

This over-abundance illustrates how difficult it is to keep up with the sheer volume of information from these weak ties. Worst is that some post the same stuff to several networks in a bid to save time. But does your Facebook fan want to see the same message elsewhere? Probably not. So why do it?

A recent statistic suggests that less than 1 percent of re-tweet recipients actually click on it. How many of those actually take the time to read the post they were referred to is another matter.

Plus, participation rates drop or rise depending on the season. In summer (in the northern hemisphere), our Social Media Monitoring group on Xing experiences a drop in participation. Of course, people with a life tend to want to enjoy the nice weather instead of commenting on discussion boards.

    3. Sharing is caring

This means that you need to provide open communication avenues. For instance, recently I had a social media manager from a major German social network ask to join our Social Media Monitoring group on Xing. How surprised I was to discover that this ‘expert’ had disabled the feature that would enable the groups’ he is a member of to send him an email.

If you want to network you need to enable other group members to communicate with you. By tuning out, why join? Is it to get the group’s logo/badge to put on your profile? This is another example of why social networking groups fail because of their unsocial members.

Why not make a promise and keep it, as we did on our Facebook page:

    I will post about 3 things each week like polls, requests for comments or interesting videos. All I ask is that you give me permission by listening.

So far, nobody has complained that three posts are too few…

Bottom line – take aways
Clearly we must treat our friends, Facebook or otherwise, with respect and courtesy.

    a) We must invest time in relationships, adding quality content and growing our channel. If you lack the energy, time or willingness to share and converse, think twice about entering the game – please focus.
    b) Stream of consciousness may be desirable from celebrities like tennis star Rafael Nadal or Inka Grings, who scored at FIFA’s 2011 Women’s World Cup. But in your case, not so much detail – less is more.
    c) Numbers don’t matter much, whether on Twitter, Facebook or elsewhere online. Of course, 100 engaged, active followers are much better than 50,000 inactive ones, but what matters most is whether they have or will purchase your product. Rent must get paid.
    d) Finally, the most useful data gives early insight into whether a product/strategy works or fails, and why. This is achieved through internal mining of our social network information (e.g., what stories people like, where we get what type of feedback), which is the antithesis of some agencies’ specious and self-serving studies.

Tip: To find out more about the tips and tricks we provide about quality social networking and weak ties include the words ComMetrics and/or CyTRAP in your search.

As always, the comments are yours! How would you suggest making sharing more useful for Facebook friends, blog readers or Twitter followers?

How we help
CyTRAP Labs helps non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profits, governments and brands engage their target audience through social media by assisting with development of an effective social media strategy and mentoring through the implementation process, conducting social media audits and supporting your efforts regarding corrective actions and improvements.

Start a conversation! Email us at info [at] CyTRAP [dot] eu or call us at +41 (0)44-272-1876.

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  • http://twitter.com/birdbathbuzz/status/86593592755367936 Chris Isaac

    Ubiquitous sharing: Real insight? http://ow.ly/1dy2vd

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  • http://twitter.com/smintel/status/86735376684810240 SM Intelligence

    Ubiquitous sharing: Real insight? http://eqent.me/j7CvHe

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  • Stan Albers

    I think ubiquitous sharing is of no use. It seems reasonable only if you imagine to have a huge audience. For the very most of us this is not the case. Let’s face it: unqualified tweets are read only by chance. We should better go the opposite way: Only tweet if you have something to share that is really substantial, e.g. for others, not just for you. The result will be small but therefore real, and satisfying.

    • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/2011-trends-get-better-roi-with-facebook-twitter-and-youtube/ Urs E. Gattiker


      Thanks for your comment.  Yes I have arrived at the same conclusion, less is better at least as far as my followers on Twitter or Facebook are concerned.

      Recently I also came across some data from Swisscom that suggests that 80 percent of an average users calles, SMS and so on happen with 4 people (of its mobile clients (about 5mio people) in Switzerland (Broadbent, 2011, pp. 30-31).  You get some more fascinating revelations of this type when you read Stefana’s book (in French – must read):

      Broadbent, Elena (February 2011). L’intimité au travail : la vie privée et les communications personnelles dans l’entreprise. Limoges, France: FYP editions. Retrieved June 15, 2011 from (publisher’s note) http://www.fypeditions.com/lintimite-au-travail-l%E2%80%99irruption-de-la-sphere-privee-et-des-communications-privees-dans-l%E2%80%99entreprise-stefana-broadbent/

      Stan, thanks for sharing.

      • Stan Albers

        I would very much like to read the book but my french is miserable. But I will keep Broadbent´s name in mind, I am sure it will be translated soon. I googled a little but currently it indeed is a french title only.

        With Twitter, things can be felt best: Whenever I have an actual cause that I want to be informed about, I find out the hashtags involved, and then everything functions absolutely flawless. Yesterday, at Strauss-Kahn´s extra day in court, you had people tweeting in front of the court room and sometimes in such cases even from within the court room too. There is absolutely no faster way to news than Twitter.

        Twitter is robust. But it only is so in case there is something taking place in the outer world that people wants to get informed about fast. If you want to use Twitter, you must try and act according to this scheme.

        • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/2011-trends-get-better-roi-with-facebook-twitter-and-youtube/ Urs E. Gattiker

          Stan thanks for replying…  I agree with much if not nearly all you say.  Twitter is definitely great for the news. Nevertheless, as with the first tweet about the attack on Ossama bin Laden’s compound, those getting the first tweet about it failed to see its significance at the time: 
          Why do social media audits fail? (see two first tweets about the Navy Seal attack against bin Laden)
          Sometimes I also get the impression that nothing works better than gossip on Twitter …. it takes a few juicy tweets and you have thousands of followers that want to know – not what I call news:
          Privacy and free speech in the UK: Who wins? (see tweets about Giggs, Gaga and so forth :-) )
          As a conclusion, if I get the tweets from people that are in the court room where Mr Strauss-Kahn’s case is being heard, do they add anything I need to know to do my job better?
           Maybe it suffices to say that next day’s newspaper will bring me a summary of what happened in court is sufficient for me and saves me time (tweets are interrupting what else I am doing).Twitter is great for me to find intelligence (e.g., very interesting blog posts) thanks to my scouts – the people I follow – who send good stuff they came across as tweets with a URL to the white paper or blog post.
          The rest is entertainment or distraction for me….. and this I prefer to do with people face-to-face while communicating.
          PS: I love Twitter for that!

        • Stan Albers

          Urs I grant most of what you write. But there is a point I try to make and obviously I don´t manage. One more try here.

          Gossip means that there is not much verifiedly going on in the outer world. It is inner-directed Twitter use. No links, but opinions, not: matter. This is the one of using Twitter. Not so interesting.

          News, Intelligence, e.g., tweets with links or eye-witness tweets, is the other way of using Twitter. Very interesting.

          Now, my point: Twitter is as good as the cause is, and as your need for news or intelligence is specified.

          My beloved example: You know we are active in South Africa, and in South Africa elections at the municipality level took place some eight weeks ago. The results were very important for us. I found the hash tags and had the news soon after it was there and hours before others got it by conventional means.

          If you have a cause in the outer world (news or intelligence) on the one side and a defined and distinct, pertinent search for it on the other, BUT ONLY THEN, Twitter is a phantastic instrument.

        • http://commetrics.drkpi.ch/articles/2011-trends-get-better-roi-with-facebook-twitter-and-youtube/ Urs E. Gattiker


          We agree on this one.  Just to explain, remember the fire at the Tristan nuclear power plant in France… that did not get into the news instead of the wedding in Monaco this weekend.  Here Twitter was the first channel bringing us the news followed by bloggers…. while the traditional media has been relatively silent on the issue:

          EDF du Tricastin.(LeDauphiné)

          Thanks for sharing.

  • http://twitter.com/devseo/status/88330189158887424 Alex Hall

    Ubiquitous sharing: Real insight? – http://bit.ly/lgvXOb

  • http://twitter.com/devseo/status/97487935447900160 Alex Hall

    Ubiquitous sharing: Real insight? – http://su.pr/A4nlAl

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