ComMetrics weekly review: Insight versus hindsight

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2009/06/06 · 6 comments 11,554 views

in a analytics tools,d business wef davos,white papers checklists,white papers research

My main reason for writing these weekend reflection posts is to provide you with links to important insights I came across during the week while browsing the blogosphere. Blog content can be both highly perishable and easy to miss.

Social Media TOOLS and GUIDES
–   VERY Useful #tool2watch Number 1 – search Google, Twitter, YouTube, Friendfeed, & more
–   VERY Useful #tool2watch Number 2 | get great search results for Google AND Twitter
–   VERY USEFUL | Practical Guide to Implementing Social Networking Tools in companies
–   VERY USEFUL | Practical Guide to the best WordPress plugins to use

–   Trend => FACTS “Where is the beef” unless quality goes up => newspapers are a dying breed
–   Useful – ropes to skip 1 | lessons for corporate bloggers gained from the FT ComMetrics Blog Index |   #FTCBI
–   Useful – ropes to skip 2 | lessons for corporate bloggers gained from the FT ComMetrics Blog Index |   #FTCBI
–   #trends2watch – USEFUL  Digg will launch new advertising model – the more ad is Dugg, the less advertiser will have to pay for ad = higher engagement even for undesirable ads …those brands that fail to relate with tech community at Digg pay higher price for ads.
–  VERY USEFUL | 9 logical reasons why you should integrate Twitter with your blog |

–   CYBERCRIME 1 | UK = you’re >likely attacked by gossips than thieves – NICE graphic you want to check out
–   CYBERCRIME 2 | UK = see research report => Credit crunch drives cybercrime wave
–   Climate change 1 |human costs 300000 lives lost each year, $125bn annual costs to global economy | by 2030 > than 5000,000 people will die each year due to climate change (research report)

–   GM – end of an era 1  | US vehicle market share => drop began 1980 & continued … view chart
–   GM – end of an era 2  | Chapter 11 risks remain – Q&A about GM/Chrysler bankruptcy (Financial Times 2009-06-01, p. 16)
–   GM – end of an era 3  | share price – since 1973 going up but after big spike during 2000 dropping forever – see chart _has been dropping ever since
–   GM – end of an era 4  | lumbering GM crashes – history, demise and rebirth of GM – brands, stepping stones – view chart (Financial Times 2009-06-01, p. 16)
–   Google Alerts, Ziggs – creepy or … be alerted when @problogger @GuyKawasaki & others compare their blogging effectiveness against yours
–   Useful – Ranking of blogs in the nonprofit segment, a bit sketchy on methodology (PS another example  why one should not use Alexa to rank blogs)

Okay, now it’s your turn. What important links to insights discussed in a blog post this week did we miss here? Please add it below. Thanks much.

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