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why benchmark SM?

British comedian Darius Davies takes Beck’s beer …. or fails with the company’s new blog adventure. This is a case where a brand and its advertising agency have managed to break most good practice guidelines bloggers adhere to. Besides questionable content the blog is not very user-friendly at all – easy navigation remains a pipe dream. This post explains why beer lovers will not want to re-visit this blog is explained below – read and learn.

Social media analytics matter. Ropes to skip. Rule 9 – 12 that blogging politicians should abide by, in turn, making better use of social media possiblities. How does your blog measure up, are you breaking any of these rules? Check out and improve quicker than the competition.

Social media analytics matter. This post addresses the challenges for blogging politicians, such as Gordon Brown (Prime Minister – UK), David Cameron (leader of the Conservative Party – UK), John Culberson (U.S. Congressman), Moritz Leuenberger (Federal Councillor – Switzerland) and David Miliband (UK Foreign Secretary) measure up when it comes to following best practice rules with their blogs. Read on and learn about the 12 rules you must abide by in order to have an impact.