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Social media monitoring and marketing: Facebook has been accused of becoming like AOL – a walled garden. So where should you create your connection hub? Find out!

Social media monitoring and marketing: How al-Jazeera failed Arab dissidents, and social networks failed Egypt’s demonstrators, Moscow Domodedovo’s bomb victims.

Social media monitoring and marketing: The 900-98-1.5-0.5 rule helps clients embrace the ‘free to use, pay to play’ concept and limit opportunity costs.

Social media monitoring and social media marketing: 3 tips that help you get better metrics to demonstrate the value of social media to your executive.

Social media monitoring, social media strategy: 3 facts that show how little social media changes, while making things more difficult.

Social media marketing and monitoring: Why Quora will be bigger than Twitter – NOT – and why you should think about your opportunity costs before joining.

Does running special deals and promotions while offering incentives to your Twitter followers increase your net worth? Will your best clients participate? Doubtful…

Our summary of who we met in the social media space, as well as metrics trends and marketing buzz: Twitter, Facebook privacy changes, eBook piracy and Xing apéro.

Everybody wants a million followers on Twitter or Facebook, but most can only dream of such numbers. What factors are critical for better follower-engagement?

Blog comments still matter and every blogger cares about comment quality. Clara from Wendy’s shares her insights for getting more quality comments for your blog.