first steps on the way to build brand while blogging like a pro

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2008/02/27 1 views

in a analytics smarter & actionable KPIs

This post addresses goals 1-4. A follow up post will discuss goals more

If you intend to make money from advertising on your site (e.g., with Google ads) or to sell books, this post will not interest you. If you are blogging for your own pleasure – maybe this is interesting.

However, if you are a chartered accountant, investment counsellor, real estate agent, lawyer or engineer, hang on. This post might just answer some of the questions you have but never dared to ask about social media, blogging and the web.

We have made some general comments about the issues we want to address in this post previously, namely here:

mission of ComMetrics => helping you succeed

Below we list 4 of the 8 questions you must ask yourself when embarking on a social marketing activity, such as publishing a blog or white paper series online. Without establishing, what you want to achieve it will be that much harder. Read the questions below. Reflect and decide what they mean for you.

Reading on means you can learn from our experiences. If reading this post will help you save a few bucks and hours of work, that much better.

1) What is the purpose of your blog?

This pre-sets the choice and type of success measures that you must use.

The key to answering this question is who your target audience is. If you are writing for your social network or the banker next door, it is surely different from writing for your pals on Facebook or another social network that cropped up last week.

If you intend to improve information security and privacy protection at work, your primary audience may be your employees, customers and possibly suppliers.

Goal 1 => share valuable information with target audience(s) (e.g., get people interested)

2) What are you trying to sell?

Blogging about green technology such as solar collectors is one thing. Very different is the situation, where a real estate professional uses a blog to promote and grow her business. Selling a branded product online (e.g., music track, books, groceries) is surely different than selling investment products and services.

In fact, while people may purchase this week’s groceries online or last week’s top selling novel, they are unlikely to invest in a fund by clicking on a button. So if it is not getting your client to push a button and purchase, what else is it?

Goal 2 => getting on potential customers’ radar screen and keeping in touch with current clients

explore the territory before you dive into this subject called blogging metrics

If you cannot view the above, get clear image here: framework for measuring blogging success

3) How can you make your blog’s content valuable to your target audience?

The blue rectangle on the left of the figure above lists some moderators and mediating variables. Think about them before embarking on your marketing campaign. To illustrate the challenge, if your customers are the type of people who are quite busy, successful and/or run their own business, they might not want to visit your website daily. Maybe even once a week is too much to ask. Neither do they want to have 3 stories coming their way via e-mail each day. Who has the time to read all this stuff?

In addition, how informal can you be with your clients or a potential client? You should reflect about this important issue. They might expect you to wear a tie when you meet them the first or second time. Will they appreciate a blog that is being chatty and possible catty?

You decide but unless you find the right language to communicate valuable content, your target audience will not want to hear what you have to say.

If your blog is about information security to raise awareness, it might be easiest to reach your staff by offering content that helps them keep their home PC, iPhone or iPod more secure. In turn, better security hygiene at home will improve things at work for sure.

Goal 3 => Write content that helps your clients or potential clients to work and/or invest smarter

4) How do you want your blog to affect your bottom line?

The above figure illustrates this issue. See the green rectangle on the bottom.

If you are not trying to sell advertising space with your blog, traffic may not be your primary concern. In fact, you may strive to establish yourself as an expert or trusted party with your clients and those possible ones of tomorrow.

Accordingly, increasing your blog’s traffic this week thanks to having gotten on the front page of one of the social bookmarking sites (e.g.,, might not be what you are after. Why? Because those individuals may not be your likely customers but very tech savvy surfers that you do not count as your clientele.

So if it is not traffic, what is it? Maybe you want to establish a reputation with people that might result in future business. Else, you may also be interested in keeping in touch with your clients (making sure they know that you are doing great things with their money)

If you write a blog to get much traffic that, in turn, helps you sell advertising with the help of Google, this might be a valuable strategy for some people. However, if you are in a more service-oriented business, thinks might be different. Do you choose your investment, tax or legal adviser on the Web? You may have found information that you thought was interesting on the Web (e.g., ranking lawyers – – imperfect but one way to get info) or reading the person’s blog.

Nevertheless, before you reveal details about your financial, legal or tax situation to that person you may want to have a meeting first.

What about if you want to raise awareness about information security. Maybe your blog is supposed to support your corporation’s efforts to reduce violations of your firm’s privacy violations. Here, you may want to entice your employees to subscribe (see also point 3 above). Thus having huge traffic may be of interest if it also means that most employees read the blog.

Goal 4 => Define how you want the blog to help attain more trust, better reputation and higher brand recognition, or something else with customers or employees.


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Soon we will try to bring you answers to questions 5 through 8. So please, stay tuned.

Also of interest:

8 reasons that speak for having a corporate blog

b – browser usage varies enormously – ignore Firefox at your peril


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