Going Solo Martin Roell: Tools and methods to get things done

by Urs E. Gattiker on 2008/05/16 1 views

in a analytics tools,d business Fortune 500

    Going Solo Live, learn to manage your work day, get into a routine and avoid making some mistakes the make you less effective. I keep blogging about this #GoingSolo, #Martinroell

We have already posted these stories about Going Solo Live here:

Going Solo – it started

Going Solo – @Pistachio – how to use Twitter smartly NOT

Going Solo – Dennis Howlett – tax and finance

Going Solo – where do you start when you set a fee for your services?

Martin Roell gave us a presentation entitled Self-Organisation for Effectiveness (tools and methods to get things done):

1) collect all stuff; write it down
2) dump all stuff in inbox
3) convert stuff into actions
4) put actions into lists

Things software might help you in organising your tasks according to projects. However, there are many more out there. Whatever you choose do:

organize your tasks by context (office, home, telephone, offline, etc.)
throw out as much as possible – you are not going to do it or YANGTDI for short

Basic principles, for getting things done you need to focus on one thing at a time. It is not just sitting down on the computer, instead, what will you do first answering e-mails and then write a post for the blog.

Best is to choose something from your list and not just start with a task at random such as answering e-mails.

What do you consider to be a to do item – look at first e-mail in your in-box and decide what you intend to do about it – phrase to do – items correctly

– what is the next action?
– action must be a doable action

Bottom Line

Martin showed us that organizing things in life could help quite a bit. Get things done one at the time. Break projects down to the first small step and then start. Also, begin the day by doing one important thing. Naturally, you have to distinguish between work and non-work activities. So take time off.

Thanks to Martin for helping us getting more effective in what we do. Working hard is fine but, most important is to work effectively, smartly …

Martin Roell – the slides as a pdf file

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  • http://blog.CyTRAP.eu WebUrs

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